Ozs in my tiny eyes

Archive for the ‘MDIA5006’ Category

I sleep with my iPhone, how about u?

Every night when I am ready to sleep, I will lie on bed with my phone,  keep checking my email and refreshing my twitter time and time again untill really late at night. I konw it will made me exicted and couldn’t sleep, but I just can’t turn off the pone and can’t turn off my mind. I sleep with my phone, how about you?

I strongy believed that I am not the only one. A recent survay in the US shows that the growing absession of smart phone has leading to many

in memory of the Genius

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

5 Oct 2011, Apple announced that the former CEO, the co-founder of the company, Steve Jobs die for pancreatic cancer. He is a genius man who changes our way of life, shift the idea of mobile devices of multimedia and create a Apple embedded world.

Steve co-found the Apple company in his 20s, and his creative thinking had brought computer to personal user in an affordable price and a much smaller size. Without his introduce of windows interface and keyboard mouse system, there might not be a Microsoft, and till nowadays, we might still memorizing the system language like “D:/ File/ ” in order to work the computer.

He brings out Mac, with a stunning and skim out look it shifts people’s expectation to personal computer. iPod had directly led to significant decrease to CD sales and the industry reform in terms of cooperating Itunes online sales. iTunes had successfully innovate its own profit mode, and a new form of multimedia sales methods.

Later, comes the iPhone, and “it changes everything”. A few years ago, we still have mobile phones with different feature, such as clamshell phones, flip-up phones,  and different software systems, like symbian from Nokia, Active-Syn from SonyErison. However since iPhone comes to the market, all these variety had gone and all other brands are so desperate to sell their smartphone with a wide touch screen. The ios system platform and App store had urged another industry revolution.


He is the Genius, you don’t agree with me simply because you don’t realize how important he is. He changes our life by innovation, today thousands of people sleep with their iPhone rather  then their love one. Like app or not, please join me here and may him rest in peace.


The vedio is a guraduation speech Jobs had given in 2005, about 3 story in his life, and “stay hungry, stay foolish”.

The Queen is coming

http://www.smh.com.au/national/still-happy-to-watch-while-she-passes-by-20111014-1lozx.html  The Queen is coming for her 16th visit in Australia, and more people getting exiting to see the Royal family.

The Queen is coming and I couldn’t care less~ Please don’t take me wrong, I still care about Australia other wise I won’t spent so much time on this blog talking about so much things about Australia, although I am a Chinese. I just can’t figure out what so important for the Ozs that the Queen is coming.

Firstly, Australia has it’s own political system, have a Prime Minister who voted out by the nations and the economic power to be a independent country. It is a Democratic.  Secondly, the royal family is not as respectable as before, all the scandals and gossips about them had totally destroy their reputation. The marriage, the paparazzi photo-shots, and the selling meeting scandals, countless scandals have give me an impression that the Royal family are just not as respectable as the old times. Just for these two reasons, I don’t see the need for Australia still bowing to the Queen and still be so proud of being part of the Queen’s people. Maybe it is not fair for me to say it since I am not local and I don’t have the background of being part of the Common Wealth system. But from my point of view, I just don’t see the reason to still bowing to the Queen. Just my own opinion.


It is always a privilage to have a glane of the Queen. Enjoy it~

it is the power of public

i saw this  speech the other day, Jimmy Wales Ted speech on the birthday of Wikipedia

it gives answers to questions that we discus in class. How the citizen journalism works, and specifically about how citizen journalism can have positive effect on our live. I think Wikipedia is one great example for the citizen journalism. It provide a platform for people from all over the world to share their intelligence on many different topics and in different languages. it runes simply by everyone in the world that have access to internet, and a group of volunteer editor to run quality control.


People still argue about the accuracy of the content in Wikipedia. Well, if you are smart enough to understand the difference between Wikipedia and Britannia, you should see there is reason for Wikipedia to exist and growth. It is a good source for background check, and a good way to enable public participant in the contribution. If you want to know something, all you need to do is to create an article and leave it there, people who searching for the same thing will soon fine it and then fulfill the content.


I think it is brilliant because it gather everyone’s  wisdom.  It represent intelligence from different culture and different language.  And it is free!


Although I think they have a ridiculous checking system..the “Google check”. “If we can’t fine something in Google, then there will be a great chance that such thing doesn’t exist” .. Google doesn’t know a lot of things in the world especially when it comes to culture. There are whole lot of unique cultural heritage in China that doesn’t exist in Google, let alone whole lot of things in other part of the world.


But in a word, I still believe that Wikipedia is the best new form encyclopedia,  given its convenience and free license.

Relax, its not the end of free speech


every since “Angry”Bolt’s court case, there are sever debates about whether its the end of free speech or a alam for media to be careful of what you said. In my opinion, everyone still have the right to freedom of speech but just be really careful of what you said.


it is not the end of free speech, just the end of bad journalism

end of bad journalsim


Mr Bolt had published a colum that suggseted it is popular for some “fare-skinned” mixed breede people choose to identify themselves as aboriginal for personal gains and political advantages. It is kind of up-sets me that even today with all information so easily accesable, Mr Bolt still contrubilting to slopy journalisim. He wrote anything that comes in his mind, and   he did not even attemped to conduct an interview or fact-check.With all the luxury of having a colum in newspaper, he cover the fact and misleading his audience.


as soon as the case been filed a sever public discussion started. Some people argue that Bolt had arrouse racial hatred with his slopy comment on skin colour, and some others believed that freedom of speech enable us to put fair comment on any issue.

 I think it is fine to comment on racial issue, because it is unavoidable i think, in Australia, the most cultural variaty nation in the world. But before fare comment, at leat get the fact right? At lease be intergrity and fairness and  being a journalist, or a journalism practioner. My friends said that the so call code of conduct in the practice is more or less a redundunt. It is vage and simple and just a joke. Since people are so spoile by choices of differnt kinds of media today. the traditional way like newspapers are so struggle to get ride of the restrition and catch more eye balls.

But ethic of being a journalst is still improtant right? at leat be independent, fairness and integreted are not only codes from the MEAA code of conduct but ethical rules of a human being, right?

Our PM have a new dog, So?

I don’t know what is so important for me to know that Julia Gillard had a new dog, this piece of news is so important that this on the SMH and later the same news on the Herald Sun.

Gillard and her partner and her new dog--from Herald Sun

Gillard and her partner and her new dog--from Herald Sun

I know, that politicians have the need of being a loving caring family person, since Gillard has no child, a dog is necessary for her. The US president have his dog playing with him in the White House, and all main streem media post the picture. The former Russian president, Putin even held a public solicitation to name his dog.

Putin and his new puppy, we don't see him smail like that often...

Putin and his new puppy, we don't see him smail like that often...

  But don’t you think it’s a bit of cleche? And what makes it so important that it is place between the hard news and the opinion pages. From my point, that news is serious stuff. Should we have a higher boundaries to fillter what should be on page 2 and what should be on the entertainment bundle?

I’ve done some research, on the Australian Press Council statement of principle, that there really are no clear instrution on what should be on top story and what shouldn’t. Alright, maybe I am too seriouse, it’s good to have some dog news between terro attack and gun shoot in western Sydney. Let’s enjoy it.

Wha’t more interesting though, on the Herald Sun page, http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/dog-lover-tim-mathieson-to-buy-julia-gillard-a-spoodle/story-fn7x8me2-1226135228817 The comments are so irrelevante yet so professtional on dogs! No one respond on Gillard or new puppy, but everyone is talking about the breede of dog and dog farm and how the dog farm breede puppies and selling them. Is it what we call Citizen Journalim? That public paticipating in news report, enlarging our horizon by open discussion and gathering everyone’s knowledge? I have to say that I have learned much more by reading the comments then reading the news itself. LoL

Banana nana~

Having banana chips snacks now in front of my laptop, I can’t help but wonder why does
not the government import banana to solve the tension of supply and demand and
just make the golden fruit cheaper. Because this summer, the banana growth in southern
China had hit the highest point over the past five decades, which makes banana
retail price reached the lowest point at AU$ 0.30 per Kilo, and most of the
banana growers nearly broke since the revenue cannot cover the production cost.

The Australian Banana Growers Association gave me the answer that is the alleged
concerns of biosecurity. But its easier to believe that’s all about profit and
domestic protection rather than cartons of imported banana going to destroy all
plants in Australia.

Banana growers in Hainan, China

bananas harvest over load

Excess production

the huge quantity of banana harvest led to $0.3/kg retail price, can't even cover the cost of fruit-picking, let along the growing cost

Worthless banana

worthless bananas been abandent on the field

The Cairns Post reported on this Friday that a handful of banana growers who
escaped the destruction of cyclone Yasi are now making more than $1 million a
week selling their precious fruit. As a consumer, I am quiet angry with paying
a sky-high $15/kg for one of my favourite fruit.  But Mr Mackay, the president of Australian
Banana Growers Association said that grower should not feel guilty of making big
money, and should blame supply and demand. Just like my boyfriend saying I’m
sleeping with her because there are not enough beds. You don’t feel guilty but I
feel being cheated.

On the other hand, some house holders tend to solve the supply and demand tension
on their own.  A piece of opinion report
from SMH said that some fruit lovers are so frustrated that they actually
planting banana crops in their backyard.
I personally don’t agree that it is a wise measure for cheap banana.
Reasons being, 1) banana plants takes at least 2 years to grow before it can
produce fruit, and 2) fruit crops take a lot of time and energy and money to
take care, and lastly there already been news said price of banana starting to
peel back later this year and it is possible to have normal price banana in the
coming year (SMH media news <==click it for the video).

While all around the world enjoying this healthy fruit in a reasonable price, OZs are
paying ridiculously high price for it. I just can’t understand why not importing
the banana like any other products, and then we can all have a happy ending
with cheap and delicious banana.

Coming from a country that banana usually cost less than AU$ 0.50 per kilo, I always
feel being cheated when paying $15 for 4 bananas.  But knowing the fact that “Australia has one best
regulated market and production regulation for Banana” all reasonable– $15/kg desease-free, locally own and produce, big banana.

If  you are like me, too poor to enjoy this golden-sweet fruit at the moment,
you  can always have substitutions, go
buy a pack of $3.49 banana chips from your local supermarket, and they are
“imported ingredients, pack in Australia”.